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TEACH One Minute Trailer

Film Channel 

Labor Rally
Demonstration and
Movement Channel 

Edcuation Issues Channel by Robert Lamothe on YOUTUBE
Education Issues
Channel on YouTube

The Art and Creativity Channel
The Art and Creativity

TEACH Screenings


TEACH Quotes Link




Links to images
for TEACH to be
used for leaflets

Film Channel 

Previews and Trailer 

Arts Faculty Revival
Dinner Party 


About the Filmmakers

"Teach "

Teach City Picture

TEACH Scenes
Photos From the Film

Production Photos
Gallery 1  

Teach Wisconsin
Production Photos 


Labor Rally
Demonstration and
Movement Channel 

BTU Rally Photos

Robert Lamothe Photography

Yvonne Lamothe Art

News Release
The Canvasation Project


       BlueSky      NEWS RELEASES    Watch Online

Invitation to The Pigeons Screenings
The Pigeons is an experimental political sci-fi narrative short that is very relevant and timely to the current political attacks against everyone's well being and does it with humor and seriousness. It doesn't shy away from having an opinion on what is happening to our world.
Everything changed after the eclipse. Animals were acting strange, dogs were acting strange, cats were acting strange, pigeons were acting strange, and so were the people, especially the politicians.


New Dreams for a New World Poster

New Dreams for a New World
Documentary Experimentál

Watch the Full Movie New Dreams for a New World

Link to Full Movie New Dreams for a New World

Boston International Film Festival Official Selection Official Selection - Awareness Film Festival - Los Angeles New Vision International Film Festival-Amsterdam Official Selection
Official Selection The Indie Gathering       Blow-Up Film Festival Laurel          Los Angelos Cinefest Semifinalist

Masks of Deceit is a Graphic Work - Meme Related to the Themes of New Dreams for a New World - Created June 2024

Masks of Deceipt

The people you see here are just a small sample of the many who are engaging in attacks against the People of the United States and the World. The faces you see here represent masks that hide the truth about what the right wing is saying and really doing.

Elon Musk and his corporate gang of tech goons are dismantling programs for people world wide and is engaging in all out coup attempt by the billionaires and millionaires with Donald Trump as their main sidekick helper. They all must be stopped and held accountable. World wide demonstrations and a BOYCOTT of Tesla is a good start.

We have a country that doesn't feed all its people, doesn't provide housing for everyone, doesn't provide health care for everyone, that attacks the LGBTQ+ community's right to be who they are, that uses racism to spread hatred and to divide us, that takes away the right for women to decide what is best for themselves, that spends billions on horrific wars, allows mass murderers to freely purchase weapons of war. This capitalist system is not solving these problems and doesn't even try to solve the problems, it is ruled by what is best for profits, not by what's best for the people. They lie and distort the truth every day and block and ignore attempts to really solve all the problems of humanity. They deliberately mislead people and claim to represent the working class, the poor, the homeless...

They represent the corporations and vote for outrageous tax breaks for the rich. The billions we spend on war should be spent to solve the problems of the people and to fund the necessary programs and research to find cures and treatments for cancer and other diseases. They continue to deny climate change and poison our environment. They continue to support a dangerous political cult leader and trip all over themselves to be the next leader of the right wing funded by corporations and billionaires like the Koch brothers. Can we trust this unstable wannabe dictator with the keys to humanity’s destruction? The list goes on and on, add your injustice to it.

A UNITED Mass movement can stop this right wing takeover and begin to solve all the problems with government power holders that don't really represent the interests of working class people whether it be republicans or democrats.

Poster for South Shore People Power

Trailer With A Special Message to the Asian Community

from the Director Of South Shore People Power

about the Weymouth Compressor Station

Asian Message

Please Visit the website for

South Shore People Power

for More Info


South Shore People Power
Director's Cut
Shorter Version
is now available to
view online!

Link to Watch Full Movie

Best Documentary/
News Story


Laurels for South Shore People Power

Festivals Selected for and Awards Received as of March 5, 2022

Boston International Film Festival
Selected - 2022

The NewsFest International Film Festival and Awards part of the AOF Megafest XVII
Selected and Award Winner for Best Documentary/News Story up to 50 minutes (it's actually 63 minutes), Winner Best Educational Documentary, Winner Best Educational, Film, Winner Best Educational Subject

37th Boston Film Festival

Toronto Independent Film Festival – Cyrus Int. Film Festival
Selected and Finalist for Award in Best Feature Documentary

Docs Without Borders Film Festival
Selected and Award Winner of Exceptional Merit

International Independent Film Awards
Selected and Silver Award Winner for Documentary Feature

Awareness Film Festival – Los Angeles

The Indie Gathering International Film Festival – Cleveland
Selected and 4th place in Documentary Feature Category

Blow-Up International Arthouse Film Festival - Chicago

New Haven International Film Festival
Accepted Honorable Mention

2021 Great Lakes International Film Festival – Erie, Pennsylvania

South Shore People Power
Fore River Residents Say No Fracked Gas Weymouth Compressor Station

A Documentary by Robert Flame Lamothe

Currently Submitting to Film Festivals

Trailer - South Shore People Power


Please Visit website for more details

Street Scenes 15
Watch the Full Movie - Street Scenes 15 - Run Time: 20 minutes Street Scenes 15 Title

Street Scenes 15 shows the passion, dedication, and excitement of the people that are part of the Fight for 15 movement to gain a livable minimum wage. As a movie goer, it's very enjoyable to see the expressions of joy and determination on the faces of people dedicated to making economic social justice a reality. Lively social justice music was a big part of the rallies and marches that makes Street Scenes 15 great fun to watch. Passionate and informative speakers bring home the great need for a $15 an hour minimum wage that is an important part of the current national debate. It was filmed from 2014 to 2016 in Boston Massachusetts.  

       About Robert Flame Lamothe

Demonstration Channel Link
Demonstration and Labor Movement Channel!


TEACH is NOW available for Streaming Video on Demand
TEACH documentary, Watch Online at

Demonstration and Labor Movement Channel

Education Issues Channel

? ?/p>

TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? is a film that features conversations about the art of teaching and learning by teachers themselves. TEACH brings an important perspective to the national education debate that is currently being dominated by a corporate led agenda to privatize and profitize education and blame teachers for everything that is wrong with education in this country. This movie takes on many questions about No Child Left Behind, high stakes testing, unequal distribution of education resources, and schools dominated by data and test driven curriculum instead of providing an education that is dynamic, creative, exciting, and joyful. As the filmmakers state in the movie, "Every day in the media we hear from the businesses, thinktankers, politicians, and administrators, this movie is about those who don't usually get heard." The filmmakers of TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? are teachers in the Boston Public Schools.

Education Around
Massachusetts and the Nation Blog
Edunation Policy Blog Link
Go to Blog

TEACH Special Buttons
Now Available
Order Now

TEACH Button


No Charter Schools Button

TEACH, Teachers Are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? has received the Indie Spec Best Cinematography Award from the Boston International Film Festival. TEACH has also been accepted into the Manhattan Film Festival.

TEACH examines the behind the scenes forces that are attacking teachers and their unions, promoting charter schools as the solution, and standardized testing as the primary determinant of student and teacher value. The film interviewed over 40 teachers from many school districts including Boston, Brooklyn, NY, Madison, WI, Key West, FL, North Conway, NH, Cambridge, MA, Newton, MA, Lincoln-Sudbury,MA, and others. Additional parts of the movie include legislative hearings, speeches, and debates between union and school officials, various public hearings about school closings, and various teacher rallies. The filmmakers traveled to Wisconsin to take part in the rallies and document the multitude of happenings there to fight to protect their unions. Included in the film are interviews and many scenes from the protests there including the rally of more than 100,000 people on February 26, 2011.

As stated in the subtitle, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening. We hope to bring the voices and wisdom of teachers to the nation.

TEACH One Minute Trailer

Please see an article in The Advocate is an article about TEACH entitled Award-Winning Film Gets the Story Straight. (also see front page)

See more reviews and articles:

We are renewing our call to have showings of TEACH as a starting point for discussion about the continued attacks against teachers and quality education. Please contact us to arrange a screening of TEACH. Email: filminfo (at) or call us at 617 699-9349.

TEACH Best Cinematography Award

TEACH Nominated Best US Doc

TEACH JP Screening

TEACH New Bedford Screening

International Selection International Film Festival Manhattan

Manhattan Film Festival

TEACH Quotes Link

Purchase Teach DVD

See Excerpts and Overture of TEACH
TEACH, The People Behind the Curtain
What's Happening to Our Public Schools
and TEACH Overture

TEACH, The People Behind the Curtain

Wisconsin Actions Link

News Bulletin
TEACH, Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening? has been nominated for the Best US Documentary Feature Award from the International Film Festival of Manhattan 2012.

TEACH has also received the Indie Spec Best Cinematography Award from the Boston International Film Festival.

Bus Drivers Feb1 Flyer

Feb 1 Solidarity Day Rally
Boston School Bus Drivers

SEE the VIDEO of Feb. 1

Reinstate the Fired Leaders
Saturday, February 1, 2014   1 PM
Freeport Bus Yard

Download the Leaflet

Videos of Previous Rallies on our
Demonstration and Labor Movement Channel

Go to for updates and information.
For more information:


TEACH Quotes Link


TEACH, Teachers are Talking,
Is the Nation Listening
See the Trailer-Preview



Richard Rothstein Speaking at the 2011
Citizens for Public Schools (CPS)
Annual Meeting


Education Around
Massachusetts and the Nation Blog
Edunation Policy Blog Link
Go to Blog

Education Manifesto
A Manifesto was published in the Washington Post on Sunday, October 10, 2010. Below is the Manifesto and a response to it from a Boston Public Schools teacher.
Read Both Side by Side
I AM A Teacher
by Judy Lyons
Please read this moving essay/article about being a teacher by a Boston Public Schools teacher.


Share the spirit of great learning experiences. Please let us know if you wish to tell your stories and participate in a group discussion with other educators.
Read More ...


Children Left Behind
Children Left Behind Link
A Documentary about High Stakes Testing
by Louis J. Kruger, Psy.D., N.C.S.P.

August to June
August to June Link

A Documentary that celebrates
values we are on the brink of
losing in the single-minded pursuit
of higher test scores.

Teach Film Collage

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